We then set our sights upon creating a theme for our fashion show. We felt that a 'Post apocalyptic' theme would be really interesting as we could explore it in different ways. This could be interpreted as tribal, charity shop chic, structured warfare outfits, rags and materials made into an outfit. It would give us also the freedom to experiment with make-up looks in the same way and create our vision whatever it may be. We found a video of a fashion show which further reflected this vision which I've posted below (Reference 2).
We loved the really cold eerie feel of the video, which felt really post apocalyptic to us. The setting of the video was also in what looks to be an abandoned warehouse, which gives it that futuristic element and adds to the cold feel of it. We felt that we wanted to replicate the angles used in this video, so that when we projected our fashion show at our showcase it would seem as if the models are walking out towards you.
I began to look at how I was going to develop the concept into a look. For me, post apocalyptic fashion would be something that has been thrown together from leftover materials and scraps (whatever could be found). I started to think about how I could create an outfit from materials which you'd find post apocalypse. I decided I wanted to start by creating an outfit idea and then letting the make-up flow naturally from that and compliment it. As I felt the outfit would be the biggest challenge for me I wanted to decide on my concept for this first and let my make-up follow on from that. Below are some of the images I first came across which I felt represented the idea of how clothes would be made from material scraps after an apocalypse (Left to right image references 3, 4, 5).
To start creating my own outfit I started to consider what materials might be lying around post apocalypse. I felt like hessian is a really good material to use - and would be in an abundance after an apocalypse and on farms etc. I started to look at creative fashion pieces which used hessian as the main fabric. It has widely been used in fashion pieces and even on the runway (below image references 6, 7, 8). I decided that it would be a fun idea to make the hessian into a shawl/wrap type top as it is really stiff material and would hold well. I decided just to belt this using some rope - again in keeping with the theme of using leftover scraps of materials.
So I then set my sights on creating a skirt to go with the look. To do this I bought a plain white denim skirt from a shop, and covered the entire thing with scraps of material and rags. I decided to make it all earthy and neutral toned rags, as I felt this would tie in well with the brown of the hessian I was using. You can see in the image on the right the skirt which I created for the look. As you can see on the left hand image I also burnt the edges of the fabric to give it more of the authentic post apocalyptic theme.
I felt that once I'd sorted my outfit and got it together I was able to develop my make-up ideas to go with it. I will be discussing this in another future blog post. To be continued....
- 1. British Vogue (2016) A Guided Tour of the National Portrait Gallery Exhibition | Vogue 100 | British Vogue. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa4ziTWKhb4 (Accessed: 28 February 2017).
- 2. Mayday Film (2016) Barbara Gongini. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8LGgkUMRRA&app=desktop (Accessed: 28 February 2017).
- 3. mori-witch (no date) Historical accuracy reincarnated - mori-witch: I love rawrags. Available at: http://hoop-skirts-and-corsets.tumblr.com/post/101715075578/mori-witch-i-love-rawrags (Accessed: 4 March 2017).
- 4. Pinterest (no date) End of days: Post apocalyptic fashion. Available at: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/383298618267544161/ (Accessed: 4 March 2017).
- 5. Fun Thinkers (2017) Неделя Сказочного подхода к одежде. День второй - Платье. Available at: http://funthinkers.livejournal.com/263857.html (Accessed: 4 March 2017).
- 6. Ferrier, L. (2014). Enough With the Burlap - Suburban Turmoil. [online] Suburban Turmoil. Available at: https://suburbanturmoil.com/enough-with-the-burlap/2014/09/09/#sthash.07iZQlvg.vuZq4VYs.dpbs [Accessed 7 Mar. 2017].
- 7. Lester, T. (2012). In Which Dolce & Gabbana Makes An Actual Burlap Sack Look Good. [online] Glamour. Available at: http://www.glamour.com/story/in-which-dolce-gabbana-makes-a [Accessed 7 Mar. 2017].
- 8. Decorative Wall Designs. (n.d.). Pawprint: Youth rules the runway at Omaha Fashion Week in Amazing Burlap Dress - Decorative Wall Designs. [online] Available at: http://www.freaksfairs.com/amazing-burlap-dress.html/pawprint-a-youth-rules-the-runway-at-omaha-fashion-week-in-amazing-burlap-dress [Accessed 7 Mar. 2017].
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